It was a narrow escape from Natal as Pekka went down with flu the very next day we arrived in Jacare. We first thought it was some kind of allergy since he had suffered from flu just a few months ago in Trinidad but, unfortunately, it turned out to be the real thing. He has now made almost a full recovery and we look forward to continuing our journey towards Baia de Todos os Santos right after the holidays.

Since we arrived in Jacare, a couple of locals have got into the habit of coming to our boat for breakfast every single morning. They arrive around 5 a.m. waking us up and there is absolutely nothing we can do about it. We don't know very much about them but this is not merely due to a language barrier, as they are fish. They stay for about an hour each time eating the seaweed or what ever there is growing below our waterline. We wouldn't mind this at all except for one thing; they are absolutely the worst behaving and noisiest breakfast guests we have ever had, splashing about and banging on the hull in their feeding frenzy! Because the river water is very murky, we have not yet managed to see them properly but many a time we have gone up on deck during the early hours of the morning in an attempt to get rid of these uninvited pests but, so far, in vain. The noise made by the fish resulted in that, in order to get enough sleep, yesterday we abandoned our newly renovated fore cabin and moved into the saloon (Riitta) and the side cabin (Pekka) where we have fans that effectively fade any noise coming from outside. But this separation also gave us new willpower to fight back and today, we scraped the bottom of the boat as best we could and are now looking forward to a Peaceful Christmas. And we wish you all the same!

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